

Worksheets and References: Simulation Assessment


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Ambrosio, T. (2004). Bringing ethnic conflict into the classroom: A student-centered simulation of multiethnic politics. PS: Political Science and Politics, 37(2), 285-289.

Armstrong, K. (2003). Applications of role-playing in tourism management teaching: An Evaluation of a Learning Method. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 2. (1), 5-16.

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Kelley, K.K., Beatty, S.J., Legg, J.E., McAuley, J.W. (2008). A Progress Assessment to evaluate pharmacy studentsā€™ knowledge prior to beginning advanced pharmacy practice experiences. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 72(4), 1-9.

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Smith, C.A., Hart, A.S., Sadowski, L. S., Riddle, J., Evans, A.T., Clarke,P.M., Ganschow, P.S., Mason, E., Sequeira, W., Wang, Y (2006). Teaching cardiac examination skills - a controlled trial of two methods. Journal of General Internal Medicin, 21, 1ā€“6.

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Wu, X.V., Karin EnskƤ, K. , Lee, C.C.S., Wang, W.(2015a). A systematic review of clinical assessment for undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 35, 347ā€“359.

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