

Assessing research team development

Using a participatory action research process, we will bring together a group of innovative, young researchers with experienced cancer researchers. This process will be guided by Kelleyā€™s conceptual model of change (adapted for the ABC-SC research team).

Knowledge exchange is a collaborative, interactive process between researchers and decision-makers. Implicit to knowledge exchange is a focus on collaborative or participatory action research (PAR), where individuals work together to identify, produce, and apply knowledge.

PAR focuses on bringing about change in practices, with participants advancing a specific plan for addressing the important issues on which they are collaborating.
Mary Lou Kelley
has presented a research-based model of change that encompasses collaborative processes. This model emphasizes the importance of existing infrastructure and collaborative practices, a catalyst for change, creating the team, and growing the program.

ABC-SC Objective

To use and evaluate a participatory knoweldge exchange process to expedite the development of supportive care research, and thereby improve it for women with advanced breast cancer.

Kelleyā€™s conceptual model of change will be used to engage Team members, support effective knowledge exchange processes/practices, and strengthen membersā€™ capacity to develop and carry out ABC-SC research. An evaluation of the knowledge exchange process will be conducted.

Project investigators:

Robin Urquhart and Grace Johnston