


Our Commitment to Human Rights and Non-discrimination

The Clinic is committed to providing an environment in which all people are treated with dignity and respect. The Clinic does not tolerate behavior that is contrary to applicable provincial human rights law.  Staff and students are responsible for assuring the Clinic’s commitment to Human Rights and non-discriminatory practices against others; including oppression on the basis of age, sex, gender, race, religion or any other personal characteristic protected by human rights law. The Clinic has a no tolerance policy for staff, students and clients engaging in discriminatory acts.


Confidentiality and Privacy

Confidentiality and privacy of clients will be maintained in accordance with the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers (NSCSW) Standards of Practice (Section 1.1) and the Personal Health Information Act, also known as PHIA. At the earliest appropriate opportunity with clients, and throughout the relationship as required, Clinic staff and students shall discuss with clients the nature of confidentiality and limitations of clients’ rights to confidentiality, and shall review with clients when disclosure of confidential information may be legally or ethically required. All names and information provided by individuals accessing the Clinic are confidential. Information will be shared with staff when it is relevant to the client’s future use of the Clinic. Information will also be shared and discussed, as relevant, during student placement supervision. This information sharing is considered the “day to day” running of the Clinic and will not require consent to release information forms from the individuals. Explicit written consent will be required to release information of a personal and sensitive nature to a third party for any purposes other than a referral.

In providing service to multiple clients such as couples, families, and groups, Clinic staff shall notify the participants of the likelihood that aspects of their private lives may be revealed in the course of their work together, and therefore require a commitment from each member to respect the confidential nature of the communication between and among members of the client group.