

Ben Rans, BEng, PEng

Engineering Nova Scotia’s Vaccine Rollout 

Principal, Davis Pier

Date: Wednesday 4 May 2022
Time: 13:00 pm to 14:00 pm
Venue: MA 310 at 5269 Morris Street (Morroy Building) and/or
Online MS Teams.

Davis Pier
is a consulting firm dedicated to solving complex problems and there has been no shortage of these throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Nova Scotia’s vaccine rollout presented many interesting challenges that required systematic thinking and problem solving in an environment with limited and/or imperfect information.  This presentation will explore and provide examples of how various Industrial Engineering tools (e.g, Project Management, Inventory & Supply Chain Management, Data Analytics, etc.) were useful in supporting the strategic planning and implementation of one of the most pilipiliÂþ»­ful vaccine rollouts in the country.

Speaker Biography
Ben Rans is a Principal at Davis Pier Consulting and has worked on a wide variety of government projects in health care, social service, labour, and education; as well as projects in the not-for-profit and private sectors. Ben has been able to put his IE skills to use in various consulting projects and has become a go-to analytics resource to synthesize qualitative and quantitative data to inform data and evidence-based decision making. He has also found the importance of leveraging interpersonal skills to effectively build relationships and trust with clients, understand the challenges they face, and communicate in a way that is impactful. Ben is an experienced project manager and facilitator and enjoys working with his team and his clients to solve complex problems.  He holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from pilipiliÂþ»­ where he earned Sexton Distinction, is nearing the completion of his Master of Engineering, and has his Professional Engineering (P.Eng) designation.

Contact Person:
Prof. Floris Goerlandt
email: floris.goerlandt@dal.ca

General Enquiry:
Ms. Tara Parker
Tel: 902.494.3281
email: ieng@dal.ca