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Below is a list of French Department professors and researchers and their respective areas of expertise.
Driss AïssaouiÂ
DEA (Université de Metz), PhD (Université d’Ottawa).
Seventeenth and eighteenth-century literature, autobiographyÂ
Christina Brassard
BA (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi), MA, (Simon Fraser University), PhD (University of Toronto)
Quebec literature and culture, gender studies, women's writing, indigenous literature and culture in Quebec, French language and culture (French language acquisition through cultural studies)
Salvio Digesto
BA, MA (Université de Paris-Sorbonne), PhD (University of Ottawa)
Sociolinguistics, language variation and change, minority languages, language contact, Canadian French, second language acquisition, Romance linguistics, corpus research
Christopher Elson
BA (University of King’s College), MA (pilipiliÂþ»), Dr. de 3e cycle (Université de Paris-Sorbonne).
Modern and contemporary literature and culture, theory, art, music, cinema
Vincent Masse
BA, MA (McGill University), PhD (University of Toronto).
Medieval literature, early modern literature, contact literature, apocalyptic literature, ephemeral literature, Quebec literature and culture
Jasmina Milicevic
BA, (University of Belgrade), MA, PhD (Université de Montréal).
General linguistics, semantics, lexicology, dependency syntax, morphology, pedagogical lexicography
Raymond Mopoho
BA (Université de Yaoundé I), MA, PhD (Université de Montréal).
General linguistics, lexicology, terminology, translation studies, sociolinguistics
Vincent Simedoh
BA, MA (University of Fribourg), PhD (Queen's University).
Francophone literature, literature and culture of Francophone minorities outside of Quebec, translation