

NMR Experiment SOPs

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Use this document to help you obtain 2H NMR spectra.  Note that 2H NMR can also be performed in automation using ICONNMR.
Use this document to perform quantitative NMR (qNMR) experiments using the PULCON methodology.  This technique allows you to obtain concentration information about your NMR sample without the requirement of spiking with an internal calibrant.
You are familiar with proton decoupled 13C and 31P experiments.  This bulletin describes the X decoupled 1H-NMR experiments. 
Not sure which possible conformer you have isolated, or do you have a complicated, congested spectrum?  Perhaps a selective excitation experiment can help shed some light.
Use double and triple quantum filter COSY experiments to simplify your homonuclear COSY spectra and to significantly attenuate single quantum coherences from solvent or methoxy peaks.
DEPTQ is a similar experiment to DEPT but has the advantage that quaternary carbon signals are retained.  Consequently, in DEPTQ-135, all signal types are present meaning users may want to use this experiment instead of 13C{1H} for carbon chemical shift information.
H2BC is a 2D experiment similar to HMBC but is designed to be specific to long range CH correlations only over 2 bonds. So if you run an HMBC and either have expected correlations missing or you want to know if an observed signal is over 2 bonds or more, you should give H2BC a try.
The saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR experiment is a powerful state-of-the-art technique used to detect/screen for ligand binding to protein receptors. It has many different areas of application, including drug discovery and the study of biological function.
The eretic experiment is a technique for doing quantitative NMR without the need to spike your sample with an internal calibration standard.
Water-LOGSY is similar to STD in that it is used to detect/screen for weak binding between small ligand molecules and heavy receptor molecules. Unlike STD, it uses NOE's from bulk H2O. It has been found to produce sensitive and very clean experimental results