

Part A

By-laws of the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame

1. Name: The name of the Association shall be The Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.

2. Objects: The objects of the Association shall be the same as in the Memorandum of Association.

(a) To accord recognition to persons who have made an outstanding contribution to Atlantic Agriculture.

(b) To prescribe standards of selection, provide suitable display facilities, and provide appropriate ceremonies for induction and presentation.

(c) To do other things conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

(d) To acquire by way of grant, gift, purchase, bequest, device or otherwise, real and personal property and to use and apply such property to the realization of the objects of the Society.

(e) To buy, own, hold, lease, mortgage, sell and convey such real and personal property as may be necessary or desirable in the carrying out of the objects of the Society.

3. Membership: The Department in each of the four Atlantic Provinces responsible for Agriculture is eligible for membership. Individuals or organizations interested in Agriculture are eligible for membership.

4. Membership Fee: Membership fees are to be determined by the Board of Directors.

5. Financial Year: The financial year of the Association shall begin on the first day of August and end on the last day of July of the year following.

6. Meetings:

(a) The annual meeting shall be held within three months of the year end and special meetings shall be held when called by the secretary on behalf of the Board or on the request of ten percent of the members.

(b) At all membership meetings, four percent of the members shall constitute a quorum.

7. Financial Statements: The Board shall require the submission of financial Statements and other reports in such form as the Board may require from time to time.

8. Notice of Meetings shall be mailed by post to the members’ registered address at least ten days prior to the meeting.

9. Board of Directors:

(a) The Board of Directors, which consists of eight Directors, shall be elected for a term of two years, arranged so that four of the Directors are elected each year. Two Directors shall be elected from each province, one of whom shall be elected each year.

(b) Any active member shall be eligible to hold office as Director of the Association.

(c) Directors shall be nominated from each province by a nominating committee consisting of the Deputy Minister responsible for Agriculture in each province or his designate.

(d) The Board shall meet as often as the business of the Association may require but no less than once a year.

(e) A quorum shall consist of four Directors.

(f) If a vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, the Board may appoint a member to fill that vacancy until the next annual meeting when the members shall hold an election to complete the term of the vacancy.

10. Officers: The Board shall elect from their numbers at least annually a Chairman and Vice Chairman and shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer who may or my not be a member of the Board of Directors. The duties of officers shall be specified by the Board.

11. Policies: The Board of Directors shall set policies for the nomination and selection of persons for the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame and will determine policies in other areas as necessary.

12. Amendments: The Association has power to repeal or amend any or all of these by-laws by a special resolution passed by three-quarters of voting delegates present at a meeting duly called and the intent of the special resolution has to be circulated to all members at least ten days before the Annual or Special Meeting.