

Quiz masters collide at Reach for the Top

Dal sponsored Reach's provincial finals

- May 3, 2013

Ready for intellectual battle. (Nick Pearce photos)
Ready for intellectual battle. (Nick Pearce photos)

Classes on Dalhousie’s Agricultural Campus finished almost a month ago – but the Haley Institute was full of bright young minds last weekend.

High school students from across Nova Scotia were onsite to compete in the annual Reach for the Top provincial finals in hopes of advancing to the national competition at month’s end in Toronto.

The event, sponsored by Dalhousie for the second year in a row, got its start as a television show on CBC in 1966. Though the show was cancelled in 1985, that didn’t put an end to Canadian high school students testing their smarts, recall and buzzer reaction times.

A family affair

For Ryan Terry, a Grade 12 student at Cobequid Educational Centre (CEC) in Truro, Reach for the Top is a family affair. His parents, Kelly and Carolyn, attend every game – and regularly break out the Reach for the Top buzzer set at home for friendly competitions.

A member of CEC's Reach for the Top team for the past three years, Terry and his teammates pilipiliÂţ»­fully defended their provincial title last weekend, earning a spot in May’s Reach for the Top national competition and bringing CEC’s provincial winning streak to five consecutive years.

Ryan’s experience is not unlike his father’s, Kelly Terry, who participated in Reach for the Top in 1979 on behalf of CEC. Both Terrys can claim provincial titles and have occupied a seat at the national competition.

Ryan’s diplomatic response when asked who wins in at-home Reach for the Top face-offs between father and son? “It varies.”

Thanks go to Dalhousie’s Registrar’s Office, Faculty of Management, College of Sustainability, External Relations and Faculty of Agriculture for supporting this event. 

Dal recruiters Tyler Hall and Alene Van der Hoop

Sydney Academy

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The winning team from Cobequid Eductional Centre