

Baby it's cold outside...

- January 24, 2011

Hannah Dahn
Hannah Dahn goes for a spin on the rink in the SUB. (Bruce Bottomley Photo)

Thereā€™s no skating around this: the DSU really does have a rink set up inside the SUB.

A synthetic rink was set up on Friday in the lobby of the SUB. The ā€œiceā€ was supplied by Ice Pro in Dartmouth in for a two-on-two hockey tournament in the evening.

Hannah Dahn, DSU vice president (student life), was one of the students who pulled on her skates and went for a spin. The rink will only be available to students who sign a waiver at the Information Desk. ā€œIt canā€™t be a pit stop on your way home from the Grawood,ā€ she says.

The tiny rink will be open every morning to Friday, Jan. 28 at 10 a.m. and stay open until the Information Desk closes.

Other winter carnival events include: a skate for studentsĀ at the Canada Games Oval on Tuesday; a residence sled-off on Wednesday night on Gorsebrook Hill; and a charity ball on Saturday evening in the McInnes Room. For more details, check the .