

Sail on

- August 25, 2010

Greg Morris-Poultney, Jacqueline Gahagan and Brenda Merritt.

In collaboration with the Nova Scotia Yachting Association (NSYA), Jacqueline Gahagan, professor with Dalhousieā€™s School of Health and Human Performance, and Brenda Merritt, with the School of Occupational Therapy, organized the annual WOW! ā€“ Women on Water silent auctionĀ and fundraising event last month at the Garrison Brewery.

The money raised contributes to the ongoing establishment of three permanent bursaries ā€“ The Youth Sailing Education Bursary, The Adult Sailing Education Bursary, and the Health & Physical Activity Bursary Program.

All of the WOW! programs aim to encourage womenā€™s health and wellness through awareness, mentoring, and sailing.