

Serving you better

- March 10, 2010

Responses to the last survey led to the creation of new Learning Commons in the Sexton, Kellogg and Law libraries, and a quiet Learning Commons annex in the Killam on theĀ second floor.

Is it quiet enough for you to do your work? Do you get documents through interlibrary loan when you need them? Is the service you get helpful and efficient?

The Dalhousie Libraries are constantly changing to meet the needs of our patrons.

Through to March 19th, the libraries are running a campus-wide online survey to find out what the perceptions and expectations are of our services.

Some of you may have done the LibQUAL+ survey in 2007ā€”this time weā€™re running a shorter version called LibQUAL+ Lite, which should take no more than eight minutes to complete. Include your email and you could win one of many prizes, including a $100 certificate for dinner at Itā€™s All Greek To Me.

Some of the changes we've madeā€”such as extending the hours of Live Help and setting aside entire floors for quiet studyā€”are a direct result of responses to previous surveys. Take a look at the webpage,Ā ā€œ.ā€

The Dalhousie Libraries thank you for taking the time to complete our surveyā€”your responses are invaluable to us!