

Robert Cuthbert

2000 - Effective Writing Award (Thin Thesis Award)

B.Sc. (Honours) Thesis

(PDF - 43.5 Mb)

The Burwash Formation is an extensive package of Archean volcanic-turbidite sedimentary units in the Slave Province, Northwest Territories. The turbidites are metamorphosed to greenschist facies, and have undergone two episodes of deformation. The F1 generation folds were refolded forming a fold interference pattern, intermediate between dome, and mushroom shape. Cleavage is axial planar to F2 fold hinges. Rare volcanic tuff sequences provide good markers for stratigraphic correlation and strain analysis. Bulk strain was determined by two different methods, the Fry, and Rf/Phi. In both cases a prolate ellipsoid is found, with the long axis steeply plunging. The prolate shape is consistent with two episodes of plain strain.

Keywords: Burwash, volcanic-turbidite, sedimentary, folds, dome, strucrural.
Pages: 105
Supervisors: John Waldron

