

Thomas P. Soehl


B. Sc. Honours Thesis

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At Kempt Snare Lake, a leucogranite and leucomonzogranite cupola, with a composition similar to the Davis Lake Pluton, intrudes the metawackes of the Goldenville Group. 40Ar/39Ar dating constrains the age of intrusion to a minimum age of ca. 330 Ma. Shear zones and abundant faults and veins have cut the stock during a complex deformation event ca. 300 Ma ago. Hot fluids (>320oC), high in granophile elements, base metals, sulfur, volatiles, and containing varying salinities, metasomatized the wallrocks, and produced greisens with tin-specialized compositions. The fluids also deposited sulphides, scheelite, fluorite, carbonate, and rare tourmaline, mostly in veins, but also in the wallrock. Veining associated with faulting at least 30 Ma after intrusion, highly variable fluid compositions, and a linear trend of mineral deposits in the Kempt Snare Lake area suggest mineralization is related to fluids from a major southwest trending shear zone.

Pages: 119
Supervisor: D. Barrie Clarke
