

LAWS 2009 ‑ Comparative Criminal Law


The first aim of this course is to examine criminal law and the administration of criminal justice in Canada by means of comparison with analogous aspects of the legal systems of selected foreign countries. The second aim is to ponder the question of whether there are, or should be, core principles of process common to all criminal justice systems. The particular countries emphasized are the Commonwealth States, France, the People's Republic of China and Islamic countries, since they represent a spectrum of models which differ in varying degrees from the Canadian legal system. They include common law, continental European, Communist and religious traditions which, when compared with Canada, can bring the most important characteristics of our own system into sharp focus. An opportunity will be given for students to explore issues of restorative justice and Canadian aboriginal justice in this comparative context. All systems examined will be viewed in the light of international human rights standards thought to be applicable to criminal justice. This course will be offered in alternating years.

Assessment Method: Class participation and the writing and presentation of a major term paper.