SHIFT Annual Planning Conference
Originally just “SHIFT”, the conference was a student-led initiative founded by Professor Emeritus Frank Palermo and has been integral to the Dalhousie School of Planning for over 30 years.SHIFT + Nova Scotia's Planning Conferenceis now organized by Master and Undergraduate Planning Students under the guidance of Dalhousie Planning alum Gareth Wasylynko, in collaboration with James Coons and Stephanie Solloum of the Licensed Professional Planners of Nova Scotia.
The conference is designed to facilitate dialogue among students, planners, and the broader community, fostering discussions on innovative ideas and pressing land use and built environment issues across Nova Scotia.
This year’s conference will introduce the theme ofTrade-Offs.
As Nova Scotian communities continue to experience a rapidly growing population and many crises, planners must navigate challenging decisions that balance economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability. Through the exploration of the complexities and compromises inherent to the planning profession, this theme encourages conversations about prioritizing infrastructure improvement, addressing housing needs, and preserving green spaces while maintaining community character.
The conference will take place at theLord Nelson HotelڰdzMarch 26th– 28th, 2025. To learn more about this year’s conference, visit the.