Asiedu, S.K. 2003. Reducing posharvest losses: a training module development for West Africa. Acta Horticulturae 628:69-72
Asiedu, S.K, Astatkie, T, Yiridoe, Emmanuel K. 2003. The effects of physiological age and cultivar on early potato production, Journal of agronomy & Crop Science 189:176-184.
Pruski, K, Asiedu, S.K, Prange R, Daniels-Lake B, and Nowak, J. 2003. Tuber size control in Shepody and Russet Burbank potatoes via modification of of seed tuber storage conditions. Acta Horticulturae 619:361-369
Caldwell I, Ju H-Y, Asiedu S.K., Hong S.C, and Gray B. 2002. Use of Tichoderma in controlling diseases of North American Ginseng caused by cylindrocarpon destructions, Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82:232.
Boyd N.S, Gordon R, Asiedu S.K, and Martin R.C, 2001 . The effects of living mulches on tuber yields of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 18:203-220
Nowak J, Bensalim S, Smith C.D, Dunbar C, Asiedu S.K, Madani A, Lazarovits G, Northcott D and Sturz A V. 1999. Behaviour of plant material issued from in vitro bacterization. Potato Research 42:505-519
Bensalim, S., Nowak, J. and Asiedu, S.K.. 1998. Temperature and pseudomonad bacterium effects on in vitro and ex vitro performance of 18 clones of potato. American Journal of Potato Research 75:145-152.
Nowak J, Bensalim S, Smith C.D, Dunbar C, Asiedu S.K, Madani A, Lazarovits G, Northcott D and Sturz A V. 1998. From Laboratory to Applications: Challenges and progress in vitro Dual Cultures of Potato and Beneficial Bacteria. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 52:97-103
Nowak J, Bensalim S, Smith C.D, Dunbar C, Asiedu S.K, Madani A, Lazarovits G, Northcott D and Sturz A V., Christie B and Turgeon S. 1998. Microplant Weaning by in vitro Bacterization. Proceedings COST 822 Conference Seed Potato Production by Tissue Culture, Brussels: 25-28 February 1998
Ju H.-Y, Asiedu S.K, Hong S. C, Gray B, Sampson G and LeBlanc P. 1998. Ginseng Cultural Management and Research Update in Atlantic Canada. IN: Advances in Ginseng Research. Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Ginseng, Soeul, Korea, September 22-25, 1998 (Eds. Hoon Hu, Kong Ju Choi and Young Choong Kim), Korean Society of Ginseng, pp. 103-108.
Nowak J, Asiedu S.K, Bensalim S, Richards J, Stewart A, Smith C. Stevens, D. and Sturz, A.V. 1997. From laboratory to applications: challenges and progress with in vitro dual cultures of potato and beneficial bacteria. In: Cassells, A.C. (ed.) Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation. Kluwer Academic Publications, pp. 321-329.
Reports and Non-refereed Publications (46 Articles)
Presentations at conferences and meetings (53 papers)