

Composting and Compost Use in Organic Systems

Practical Resources

    • eOrganic. 2015

    • Center for Environmental Farming Systems. 2005
    • eOrganic. 2013
    • eOrganic. 2015
    • eOrganic. 2013
  • [PDF - 955 kB]
    • OACC
    • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2005
    • Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2005
    • ATTRA. 2002
    • Organic Farming Research Foundation. 2015
  • [PDF - 83 kB]
    • OACC. 2010
    • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2010
    • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2010

    • ATTRA. 2013

Scientific Results

Compost effects on agricultural systems

    • Applied Soil Ecology (2011) 48: 107-116
    • Advances in Agronomy (2015) 129: 293-321
    • PLoS ONE (2013) 8(11): e79512
    • Agronomy Journal (2010) 102: 1283-1289
    • Agronomy Journal (2010) 102: 450-456
    • Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2005) 72:173–187
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2008) 123: 1-14

Compost effects on crops

    • Compost Science & Utilizations (2009) 17: 220-228
    • Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (1997) 122: 433-437
    • Weed Technology (2013) 27: 378-388
    • Plant and Soil (2008) 308: 213–226
    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2008) 88:2669–2675
    • Bioresource Technology (2010) 101: 5658-5666
    • HortScience (2010) 45: 637-642
    • Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2007) 87: 535–539
    • Journal of Environmental Quality (1994) 23: 1184–1189
    • Journal of Environmental Quality (2004) 33: 1509-1520
    • Acta Horticulturae (2008) 782: 241-244
    • Organic Eprints. 2008
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2012) 58: 45-55
    • Pedobiologia (2012) 55: 343-347
    • Compost Science and Utilization (2005) 13: 252- 261
    • Compost Science & Utilization (2005) 13: 150-156
    • Acta Horticulturae (2008) 782: 223-228

Compost effects on soils and nutrients

    • Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2010) 90: 341-354
    • Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2010) 90:103-111
    • Journal of Environmental Quality (2012) 41: 1337-1347
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2012) 52: 29-41
    • Acta Horticulturae (2001) 549: 123-130
    • Biology and Fertility of Soils (2010) 46: 407-413
    • Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2012) 92: 711-712
    • Bioresource Technology (2005) 96: 419-427
    • Journal of Environmental Quality (2004) 33: 1509-1520
    • Journal of Environmental Quality (2004) 33: 1509-1520
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2016) 221: 60-70
    • Soil Science Society of America Journal (2011) 76: 278-285
    • Journal of Agricultural Science (2008) 146: 677-687
    • Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2006) 38: 103-114

Compost effects on pathogens, antibiotics and GMOs

    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2010) 90: 650-657
    • Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (2014) 39: 3-18
    • Crop Protection (2002) 21: 583-587
    • Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2010) 42: 626-634
    • Compost Science & Utilization (2002) 10: 313-338   
    • HortScience (2013) 48: 510-512
    • Organic Agriculture (2012) 1: 203-216
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2012). 34: 51-57
    • HortTechnology (2017) 27: 162-165
    • Biological Control (2010) 54: 46-51
    • USDA ARS. 2008
    • European Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 116: 267-278
    • Acta Horticulturae (2009) 819: 125-134
    • European Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 111: 101-112
    • Crop Protection (2009) 28: 97-103
    • Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2006) 38: 2461-2477
    • Acta Horticulturae (2008) 779: 39-49

Composting and compost application

    • Agronomy Journal (2010) 102: 1283-1289
    • HortTechnology (2005) 15: 52-57
    • Acta Horticulturae (2009) 819: 367-372

Compost teas

    • Biological Control (2014) 80: 63-69
    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2009) 89: 390–397
    • HortScience (2013) 48: 510-512
    • Compost Science & Utilization (2002) 10: 313-338
    • Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2012) 34: 51-57


    • HortScience (2010) 45: 1510-1515
    • HortScience (2005) 40: 2020-2023
    • HortScience (2012) 47: 1722-1728
    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2015) 95: 1143-1156
    • Scientia Horticulturae (2007) 112: 191-199