

Ellen S. McLean

Dr. Ellen S. McLean has lived on a farm all her married life and knows well the concerns of the farm family. A staunch supporter of agriculture, she has spoken out on behalf of the industry and farm women on countless occasions. Always active in community, provincial, national and international projects, her contributions to the farming community have been many and varied.

She has been active in her County Federation of Agriculture, in 4-H and Women's Institutes, serving as both the provincial and national President. In 1986 she was re-elected President of the nine-million member Associate Country Women of the World.

She has served on the Canadian Council of Rural Development, has chaired the CBC Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Food, has served on the Pictou County Research and Development Commission, the Canadian Citizenship Council, the Canadian Centenary Council, the Nova Scotia

Celebrations Committee and on the Co-ordinating Committee for the first National Farm Women's Conference in Canada.

In 1966 Dr. McLean received the Bank of Montreal Farm Leadership Award.

In 1976 St. Francis Xavier University bestowed upon her an Honorary Doctorate Degree for "Involvement in Rural Community".

In 1980 Dr. McLean was presented with the Order of Canada.

Dr. Ellen Signe McLean, who has been nominated to the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame by the Women' s Institutes of Nova Scotia and the Pictou- North Colchester Federation of Agriculture, has been an "ambassador" for the agricultural industry and those involved in it. She is an outstanding and exceptional Nova Scotian and is deserving of recognition in the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.